Who are we at War with Mr. President?
Al Ritter
I wrote an article last year about Barack Obama’s fraudulent claim that we aren’t at war against Islam, he even missed the boat by not claiming we are even at war against “radical Islam.”
As of September 28, 2010 we still haven’t been attacked by Jews, Protestants, Methodists, and Catholics whose only desire is to kill us. The fact is we ARE being attacked by Muslims. Whether or not they are radical is still up for debate, but the fact remains they are Muslim.
Until this country understands that Islam is not just a religion, it is an ideology, our country will continue to back slide into the 7th century. We have already decided in the Supreme Court in the separation of Church and State, and yet here we are decades later discussing whether or not we should make accommodations for Sharia Law. Why is this even a talking point? Every part of Sharia Law contradicts not only our Constitution but also Federal and State laws. Why is this happening? Is it the fear of not being able to discuss our laws with Muslim Leaders for the fear of violence? Is it the fear of violence in our country? I have news for all my politically correct democratic friends……..They ARE here, they are causing acts of violence on OUR soil!
Here’s a partial update since you have been in office President Obama! If we aren’t in a declared war can’t you at least acknowledge our struggle, or is that word out too?
Here is a partial list of Muslims in the United States who have been arrested and/or convicted for either planning or acting out “jihad”, or the support of Jihad, against unsuspecting, innocent men, women and children.
1). Abdel Azim El Siddig: Financing Islamic terrorism (Missouri).
2). Abdelhaleem Ashqar: Criminal contempt and obstruction of justice for refusing to testify in 2003 before a grand jury investigating the Palestinian militant movement Hamas. Telephone records presented in the case records showed that Ashqar was in contact with Hamas leaders.
3). Abdikarim Warsame: Weapons and explosives charges. (Missouri)
4). Abdul Hakim Murad: Conspiring and attempting to bomb 12 airliners. Abdul Rauf Noormohamed: Providing false terrorism tips to federal agents.
5). Abdurahman Alamoudi: Financing Islamic terrorism.
6). Adam Gadahn, convert to Islam: Treason.
7). Adham Hassoun: Conspiracy to murder, kidnap and maim people in a foreign country.
8). Adnan G. El-Shukrijumah: Wanted in connection with possible threats against the United States.
9). Agron Abdullahu: Conspiring to provide weapons to illegal immigrants.
10). Ahmad Abdelmomen: Aggravated assault, for beating his younger sister, breaking her back, and leaving her wheelchair bound because he was upset about her relationship with a non-Muslim boy. Their parents did not immediately call for medical assistance, believing that the beating was justified. (Michigan)
11). Ahmad Mustafa: Aiding Islamic terrorists (Missouri).
12). Ahmad Saad Nasim: Filing a false ‘anti-Muslim’ hate crime (Arizona).
13). Ahmed Abdel Sattar: Assisting an Islamic militant imprisoned in the United States with communicating with his followers in Egypt (New York).
14). Ahmed Barodi: Smuggling bogus passports into Saudi Arabia for the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood.
15). Ahmed Ibrahim Bilal: Pleaded guilty to conspiracy to aid the Taliban and to federal weapons charges. (Oregon)
16). Ahmed Mohamed: Teaching and demonstrating the making and use of an expolsive and destructive device, illegal transporting of explosive materials. (Tampa Fl)
17). Ahmed Omar Abu Ali: Terror-related charges, plotting to kill a U.S. President (Virginia).
18). Ahmed Ressam: Plotting to bomb the Los Angeles Airport on the eve of the new millennium.
19). Ali Abu Kamal: Shooting seven people on the Empire State Building’s observation deck, killing one because he wanted to “punish America for supporting Israel.”
20). Ali al-Timimi: Recruiting Islamic terrorists.
21). Ali Asad Chandia: Providing material support to terrorists or conspiring to do so.
22). Ali bin Mussalim: Investing funds for Osama bin Laden and Al Qaida.
23). Ali Hussein Darwiche: Involvement in a cigarette-smuggling ring that sent profits to Hezbollah. (North Carolina)
24). Ali Khalid Steitiye: Weapons and fraud charges. (Oregon)
25). Ali Mohamed Bagegni: Financing Islamic terrorism (Missouri).
26). Ali Warrayat: Aggravated assault and arson. Warrayat, a Muslim and former student at Arizona State, with a Qur’an and a Palestinian flag in his trunk, rammed his car through the doors of an Arizona Home Depot store, drove through the store to the section that stocks the flammable liquids, and sets it ablaze.
27). Amir Abdelgani: Seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy and attempted bombing.
28). Amjad Abunar: Arson, reporting a false ‘anti-Muslim’ hate crime (Texas).
29). Ayoub Hisham Ahmed: RICO conspiracy (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) in a case involving funneling money obtained through bank fraud to Palestinian territories. (Missouri)
30). Bassam Hisham Ahmed: RICO conspiracy (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) in a case involving funneling money obtained through bank fraud to Palestinian territories. (Missouri)
31). Bassem Khafagi: Visa and Bank fraud. Khafagi was a founding member and president of the Islamic Assembly of North America (IANA), an organization under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice for terrorism-related activities. He was also a community relations director for CAIR.
32). Basel Saleh Salem Kassem: Charged with making a threat on a public conveyance, screaming that he had a bomb in his bag after getting into an argument with someone on an Amtrak train (Virginia).
33). Basman Elashi: Conspiracy, money laundering and dealing in property of a terrorist (Texas).
34). Bayan Elashi: Conspiracy, money laundering and dealing in property of a terrorist (Texas).
35). Chawki Hammoud: Involvement in a cigarette-smuggling ring that sent profits to Hezbollah. (North Carolina)
36). Christopher Paul, aka Abdul Malek, or Abdul Malik: Providing material support to terrorists, conspiracy to provide support to terrorists, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction. (Ohio) 37). Clement Hampton-El: Seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy and attempted bombing (New York).
38). Dawud Salahuddin, convert to Islam: Murder of a critic of Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini, saying the killing was “an act of war and a religious duty.” Fled to Iran after the murder he committed (Bethesda, Maryland).
39). Derrick Shareef, aka Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef: Attempting to damage or destroy a building by fire or explosion, attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction against persons or property in the U.S.
40). Donald T. Surratt, convert to Islam: Conspiracy, terror support.
41). Dritan Duka: Conspiring to kill uniformed military personnel (Fort Dix NJ).
42). Earnest James Ujaama: Pleaded guilty of conspiring to supply goods and services to the Taliban.
43). Ehsanul Sadequee: Conspiring to provide and providing material support to terrorists. (Georgia)
44). Elbaneh Jaber: Pleaded guilty to charges of providing material support to al Qaeda. (New York)
45). El-Sayyid Nosair: Seditious conspiracy, murder in aid of racketeering, attempted murder in aid of racketeering, attempted murder of a postal police officer, use of a firearm in the commission of a murder.
46). Eljvir Duka: Conspiring to kill uniformed military personnel (Fort Dix NJ).
47). Emadeddin Z. Muntasser: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, tax violations, and making false statements by lying to the government to win tax-exempt status for Care International, an Islamic charity, and then using the nonprofit to distribute publications promoting jihad, and to support Muslim militants overseas. (Boston, Mass.)
48). Eman Zaeri: Threatening to blow up a local bus with a grenade in Las Vegas.
49). Fadil Abdelghani: Seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy, attempted bombing. (New York).
50). Fadl Mohammad Maatouk: Conspiring to provide support to a terrorist organization. (Orlando Florida), he links to the Tampa group at the bottom of the page.
51). Faisal Al-Salmi: Lying to the FBI when he denied knowing 9/11 hijacker, murderer Hani Hanjour, who flew American Airlines flight 77 into the Pentagon. (Faisal Al-Salmi and Hani Hanjour were registered at the same time to use a flight simulator at a Phoenix flight school.)
52). Fares Khallafalla: Seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy and attempted bombing. (New York).
53). Imam Fawaz Damra: Obtaining U.S. citizenship by providing false information, concealing his ties to designated Islamic terror organizations (Ohio).
54). Fawzi Assi: Attempting to provide support to a terrorist organization. 55). Faysal Galab: Contributing “funds, goods and services to and for the benefit of Osama bin Laden and al Qaida.
56). Ghandi Hisham Ahmed: RICO conspiracy (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) in a case involving funneling money obtained through bank fraud to Palestinian territories. (Missouri)
57). Ghassan Elashi: Conspiracy, money laundering and dealing in property of a terrorist (Texas).
58). Gregory Vernon Patterson, convert to Islam: Plotting terrorist attacks against synagogues, the Israeli Consulate and military facilities in Los Angeles.
59). Habis Abdullah Al-Saoub: Seditious conspiracy, supplying goods to the Taliban. (Deceased).
60). Haider Mohammed: While in a bar in Palm Springs, began to yell that he was going to “kill all Jews.”
61). Hamid Hayat: Providing material support to terrorists, lying to the FBI. 62). Hammad Abdur-Raheem: Providing material support to a known terrorist organization.
63). Hammad Riaz Samana: Plotting terrorist attacks against synagogues, the Israeli Consulate and military facilities in Los Angeles.
64). Hasan Akbar: Murder of fellow U.S. soldiers.
65). Hassan Abujihaad, aka Paul R. Hall, former U.S. Sailor: Supporting terrorism with intent to kill U.S. citizens, transmitting classified information. 66). Hassan Moussa Makki: Pleaded guilty to racketeering charges and providing material support to Hezbollah. (North Carolina, Michigan)
67). Hazim Elashi: Conspiracy, money laundering and dealing in property of a terrorist. (Texas).
68). Hesham Mohamed Hadayet: With a .45 caliber firearm, went on a shooting spree at the Los Angeles International Airport while standing in line at the ticket counter of Israel’s El Al Airlines, killing two people, including a 20-year-old unarmed woman. He also wounded four others, shooting an unarmed 61-year-old woman, pistol whipping an unarmed man, and stabbing a security guard with a six inch long knife he was also carrying.
69). Hussein Ali Nure: Weapons and explosives charges. (Missouri)
70). Ibrahim Abu Mezer: Plotting to bomb New York subways.
71). Ibrahim Ahmed, Nashville, TN cab driver: Assault and attempted homicide, when after an argument with two non-Muslim passengers over religion, he attempted to run them over as they walked away from the taxi.
72). Ibraham Ahmed al-Hamdi: “Virginia Jihad Network”, weapons and explosives violations, carrying a rocket-propelled grenade in furtherance of a conspiracy to undertake a military operation against India. (Virginia).
73). Ibrahim A. Elgabrowny: Seditious conspiracy; assault of a Federal agent and city police detective. (New York).
74). Ihsan Elashyi: Illegal sales of computer equipment to known Islamic terror sponsoring states (Texas).
75). Ismail Yassin Mohamed while driving a stolen black Chevy Cavalier, he began intentionally ramming a blue and white taxi cab for several blocks until the cab crashed. The passenger inside the cab was critically injured. Mohamed then took off in the Cavalier and crashed it into a business. He then got out of the car and stole a school van. The driver of the van managed to get an 8-year-old boy out of the vehicle before Mohamed drove off with it. Mohamed crashed the van into another group of cars. (Minneapolis).
76). Iyman Faris: Providing material support and resources to al Qaida (Virginia).
77). Imam Jamil Al-Amin: Murder, felony murder, aggravated assault on a police officer, obstructing a law enforcement officer, impersonating an officer, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
78). Jeffrey Leon Battle: Pleaded guilty to conspiracy to levy war against the United States. (Oregon)
79). John Muhammad, sniper: Murdering Americans by sniper fire.
80). John Walker Lindh, convert to Islam: Providing support to the Taliban. 81). Jose Padilla/aka Abdullah al-Muhajir: Terrorism conspiracy.
82). Kevin James, convert to Islam: Plotting terrorist attacks against synagogues, the Israeli Consulate and military facilities in Los Angeles.
83). Karim Moussaoui: Possession or receiving of a firearm by a person admitted to the United States under a non-immigrant visa. (Tampa Fl)
84). Kifah Jayoussi: Conspiring to provide material support and resources for terrorism and conspiracy to kill, kidnap, maim or injure people or damage property in a foreign country.
85). Lafi Khalil: Plotting to bomb New York subways.
86). Levar Haney Washington, convert to Islam: Plotting terrorist attacks against synagogues, the Israeli Consulate and military facilities in Los Angeles.
87). Maher Hawash: Conspiracy to supply services to the Taliban.
88). Mahmet M. Kadayifci: First and second-degree charges of falsely reporting an incident, and using a laptop to place the three bomb threats. 89). Mahmoud Kourani: Supporting the Islamic terror organization, Hezbollah, through fund-raising.
90). Mahmud Faruq Brent: Conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization.
91). Mandhai Jokhan: Attempting to blow up nuclear power plants in Florida.
92). Masoud Ahmad Kahn: Conspiracy to levy war against the United States, providing support to the Taliban.
93). Mazhar Tabesh: Arson, reporting a false ‘anti-Muslim’ hate crime (Utah).
94). Michael Julius Ford, convert to Islam: Opened fire at a warehouse in Denver, Colorado, killing one and injuring four others because he was “teased for being a Muslim and couldn’t take it anymore.”
95). Mir Aimal Kasi: Murdering two CIA agents, and wounding three others with an assault rifle near CIA headquarters. (Virginia)
96). Mirza Akram: Arson, reporting a false ‘anti-Muslim’ hate crime (Washington state).
97). Mohamad Atef Darwiche: Involvement in a cigarette-smuggling ring that sent profits to Hezbollah. (North Carolina)
98). Mohamad Fouad Abdallah: Sending anti-Semitic e-mails threatening rape and death to conservative TV commentator and blogger Debbie Schlussel. (Michigan)
99). Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer: Conspiring to kill uniformed military personnel.
100). Mohamed Judeh: Weapons and explosives charges. (Missouri)
101). Mohamed Shorbagi: Pleaded guilty in federal court to providing material support to Hamas with donations through the Holy Land Foundation. (Georgia)
102). Mohammed Ali Alayed: After experiencing a religious awakening, he murdered his Jewish friend by slashing his throat.
103). Mohammed Al Hassan al-Moayad: Attempting to fund terrorist organizations (New York).
104). Mohammed Badwan: RICO conspiracy (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) in a case involving funneling money obtained through bank fraud to Palestinian territories. (Missouri)
105). Mohammed Hammoud: Providing material support for Hezbollah (North Carolina).
106), Mohammed Junair Babar: Pleaded guilty to five counts of conspiring to provide material support to Al Qaeda, al-Muhajiroun member. (New York) 107). Mohammed Khalil Ghali: Conspiracy to commit offenses against the U.S.
108). Mohammed Mohsen Yahya Zayed: Conspiring to provide material support to the al-Qaeda and Hamas terrorist groups.
109). Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar: Nine counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to cause bodily injury after plowing a sport utility vehicle into a crowd of pedestrians. (North Carolina).
110). Mohammed Saleh: Seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy and attempted bombing. (New York).
111). Mohammed Yousry: Providing material aid to terrorism and conspiring to deceive the government.
112). Mousa Abuelawi: Weapons and explosives charges. (Missouri)
113). Mubarak Hamed: Financing Islamic terrorism (Missouri).
114). Muhamed Mubayyid: Making false statements to the FBI, conspiracy to defraud the United States, tax violations, and making false statements by lying to the government to win tax-exempt status for Care International, an Islamic charity, and then using the nonprofit to distribute publications promoting jihad, and to support Muslim militants overseas. (Boston, Mass.) 115). Muhammed Aatique: Commencing a military expedition against a friendly nation, and using and discharging a firearm in relation to a crime of violence.
116). Muhammad Ibrahim Bilal: Conspiring to help al Qaeda and the Taliban. (Oregon)
117). Muhammad Salah: Obstruction of justice for lying under oath on a written questionnaire involving the shooting death in Israel of an American teenager, David Boim, who was killed by Hamas in 1996 while standing at a bus stop.
118). Mukhtar al-Bakri: Providing material support to al Qaeda.
119). Muthanna Al-Hanooti: Conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign country, illegally purchasing Iraqi oil and lying to authorities after arranging a visit to Baghdad by three Democratic U.S. congressmen financed by Saddam Hussein’s intelligence agency in the run-up to the Iraq war.
120). Nada Nadim Prouty: Naturalization fraud, conspiracy, unauthorized computer access at her FBI and CIA jobs.
121). Nedire Zelenaj: A 9-1-1 operator: 232 counts of computer trespassing, for unauthorized access of law enforcement sensitive databases containing information about terrorist suspects and related investigations. (New York) 122). Naji Antoine Abi Khalil: Attempting to provide material support and military equipment to Hezbollah.
123). Naveed Afzal Haq: Aggravated first-degree murder, five counts of first-degree attempted murder, first-degree kidnapping for holding a gun to the back of a 14-year-old girl to force his way into the building; one charge of first-degree burglary and malicious harassment, the felony charge for a hate crime. Haq, stating that he was a “Muslim American, angry at Israel,” barged into the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle, shooting six unarmed women, killing one.
124). Naveed Khan: arson, and conspiracy to commit arson, reported as an ‘anti-Muslim’ hate crime.
125). Nemr Ali Rahal: Smuggling funds to the Islamic terrorist organization, Hezbollah.
126). Nuradin Abdi: Plotting to bomb an Ohio shopping mall (Columbus).October Martinique Lewis: Money laundering in connection to supply goods to the Taliban. (Oregon)
127). Sheikh Omar-Abdel Rahman: Seditious conspiracy for plotting a “war of urban terrorism against the United States.”
128). Omeed Aziz Popal Murder and 18 counts of attempted murder after a hit and run spree in a sport utility vehicle through San Francisco and Fremont, CA, after which he identified himself to authorities as a “terrorist.” 129). Patrice Lamumba Ford: Seditious conspiracy. (Oregon)
130). Rafil Dhafir: Convicted of participating in a conspiracy to unlawfully send money to Iraq, and money laundering.
131). Rafiq Sabir: Conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaida. 132). Rahmat Abdhir, aka “Sean Kasem,” aka “Sean Kalimin: Providing material support to terrorists.
133). Ramzi Youssef: 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
134). Randall “Ismail” Royer, “Virginia Jihad Network”: Weapons and Islamic terror related charges.
135). Rashid Baz: One count of second-degree murder, 14 counts of attempted murder. (Brooklyn bridge shooting)
136). Robert Mustaq John: Convicted of sending a death threat by E-mail to Attorney and political blogger Debbie Schlussel, which consisted of pictures of American journalist Daniel Pearl with a gun being pointed at his head, and of Pearl in the middle of being beheaded. Also included in the subject line was the following: “JEWgirl, you might be next”, and in red capital letters the words “KILL ALL KIKES.” (New York)
137). Sabri Benkahla: Perjury, obstruction of justice and making false statements in connection with the “Virginia Jihad” network.
138). Safia Jilani: Filing a false police report (anti-Muslim hate crime). Jilani claimed that a masked, male attacker struck her in the head with a handgun after she entered a restroom in the Schaible Science Center on campus. Jilani’s lie created unnecessary panic and wasted a week’s worth of important police and investigative time. In the end, it was determined that no such event ever took place.
139). Sahim Alwan: Providing material support to al Qaida.
140). Said Biyad: Assault, rape, four counts of murder. (Kentucky)
141). Said Jarabaa: RICO conspiracy (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) in a case involving funneling money obtained through bank fraud to Palestinian territories. (Missouri)
142). Saifullah Ranjha: Pleaded guilty to conspiring to launder money and to concealing terrorist financing. (Washington, D.C. and Maryland)
143). Saleh Nawash: Conspiracy, attempted aggravated arson, and attempted insurance fraud, made to look like an ‘anti-Muslim’ hate crime (Ohio).
144). Sami Al-Arian: Conspiring to provide services to a specially designated terrorist organization (Tampa FL).
145). Samir Al-Monla: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, tax violations, and making false statements by lying to the government to win tax-exempt status for Care International, an Islamic charity, and then using the nonprofit to distribute publications promoting jihad, and to support Muslim militants overseas. (Boston, Mass.)
146). Sayed Haris Ahmed: Conspiring to provide and providing material support to terrorists. (Georgia)
147). Seifullah Chapman: Conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
148). Serdar Tatar: Conspiring to kill uniformed military personnel.
149). Seyam Mohdnour: conspiracy to commit offenses against the United States.
150). Seyed Mostafa Maghloubi: pleaded guilty last August to violating the US trade embargo against Iran. Maghloubi admitted attempting to purchase up to 100,000 Uzi submachine guns and night-vision goggles, which he wanted to export to Iran through Dubai. (California).
151). Shafal Mosed: Providing material support to al Qaida.
152). Shain Duka: Conspiring to kill uniformed military personnel (Fort Dix NJ).
153). Shahawar Matin Siraj: Conspiring to place explosives at a New York subway station Al_muhajiroun member.
154). Soliman Biheiri: Illegally using a U.S. passport to enter the United States, concealing business ties with a leader of Hamas.
155). Suhail Jarabaa: RICO conspiracy (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) in a case involving funneling money obtained through bank fraud to Palestinian territories. (Missouri)
156). Syed Haris Ahmed: Conspiring to provide and providing material support to terrorists. (Georgia)
157). Tarig Elhassan: Seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy and attempted bombing. (New York).
158). Tarik ibn Osman Shah: Conspiring to provide material support to al-Qaida.
159). Tariq Shah: Providing material support to a terrorist organization (NYC).
160). Thaer Abde Sumad: Weapons and explosives charges. (Missouri) 161). Uzair Paracha: Providing material support to al Qaeda (NYC).
162). Victor Alvarez, convert to Islam: Seditious conspiracy, bombing conspiracy, attempted bombing and firearms charges. (New York).
163). Wali Khan: Conspiracy to bomb passenger planes.
164). Weiss Rasool: A police officer in Fairfax County: Unauthorized computer access, checking police databases on behalf of a Fairfax man who was under FBI counterterrorism surveillance. (Virginia)
165). Yahya Goba: Providing material support to al Qaida.
166). Yasein Taher: Supporting a terrorist organization.
167). Yaser Abdel Said: Critical of popular American lifestyles, and upset with the dating activities of his daughters, eighteen year old Amina, and seventeen year old Sarah, Dallas, Texas cab driver Yaser Abdel Said, to date stands accused of shooting both of his daughters, leaving them to die in the back of his taxi.
168). Yaser Bushnaq, a former president of the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP), CAIR’s parent organization: Failing to disclose his affiliations with organizations linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas when he applied to become a U.S. citizen in 2000.
169). Youssef A. Bakri: Operating a criminal enterprise to traffic in contraband cigarettes and counterfeit goods, and money laundering, then funneling some of the profits to Hezbollah. (Michigan)
170). Youssef Bouchlarhem: Making a false report about planting a bomb and resisting police after standing in the middle of the street, made threatening statements in both Arabic and English saying, “Allah is great,” “I am going to blow this place up.” (Florida)
171). Youseff Megahed: Illegal transporting of explosive materials. (Tampa Fl)
172). Zacarias Moussaoui: Involvement in plotting the 9/11 Islamic terrorist attacks against the United States.
Tampa MuslimMafia, aiding the Jihad with support of terrorism through the sale of smuggled cigarettes, narcotics and/or smuggled cars out of the Port of Tampa Florida;
173). Saad Saad was arrested in 2003 for dealing in stolen property with the possible support of terrorism. Saad Saad is arrested again in November 2006 (from a April 2004 Sealed Federal Indictment) for money laundering through his SNAX Food stores (to the UK) from the sale of narcotics. The SNAX Foods stores are vital to the money laundering scheme of Saad Saad as he purchased over $100,000 in money orders from at least two of the SNAX Food stores and sent the money orders to an undisclosed location in the UK. (Tampa Fl)
174). Samer Saleh, Saad Saad’s partner, is not arrested from the Federal Sealed Indictment until August of 2007 and without a trial, he admits guilt and sent to Prison, he is currently in Coleman Federal Correctional Prison doing 4 years. On 11/12/2008 Samer Saleh was re-charged and re-arrested on an assortment of felonies while he was serving 4 years in Federal Prison, see report and his booking photo click here. (Tampa Fl).
175). Khaled Saleh was supposedly going to be in Hillsborough County jail for one year on his $100,000 Grand Theft charge from July 2007 arrest. Khaled Saleh was picked up by Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) on 11/04/2007, they suspended his 364 day County jail time and took him into custody, immigration charge, he is a Palestinian born in Kuwait (Tampa Fl).
176). Salim Suleiman and Khaldoun Khali Khawaja in 2005 indicated a pattern of dealing in stolen property with the possible support of terrorism in “Operation Up In Smoke” (Tampa Fl)
177). The leader of the Tampa enterprise crime ring, Adil Abdel Hader, in Oct 2005, was charged with trying to pay undercover agents to find children younger than 12 for him to have sex with, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Adil Abdel Hader, Khaldoun Khali Khawaja and Salim Yousef Suleiman were placed on State of Florida felony probation for dealing in stolen property, smuggled cigarettes, Hader was charged with felony child abuse. Hader told undercover officers, sometimes in graphic detail, that he was interested in sex with young girls and boys, and that he was willing to pay for the arranged meetings, the FDLE said. (Tampa Fl)
178). On Jan 3rd 2008, Khaldoun Khali Khawaja and Salim Yousef Suleiman are arrested again on a combined 25 counts of dealing in stolen property, passing bad checks and a felony child abuse charge for Suleiman in Tampa at the exact same “Tony’s grocery store” as in 2005. They got no jail time and now appear to be on “Double Secret Probation” what a joke (Tampa Fl)
179). Wissam Taysir Hammoud, pleaded guilty in 2005 to charges that he plotted to kill a federal agent and an informant (CI). In 2001, Wissam Hammoud see his photo click here, conviction for possession and transfer of a machine gun and a sawed-off shotgun, he sold the weapons to an undercover agent for the ATF Sarasota/Tampa Fl).
WISSAM TAYSIR HAMMOUD, release date 10-15-2022 PEKIN FCI
180). Hasan Qasem was arrested/convicted of illegally sending $53,000 to people in Yemen via Dearborn, Mich., travel agency, Arabian Horizon Travel and Tourism (Tampa