Dear Editor:
In reference to Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate representing MD, Blaine Taylor and his letter, "If we want the troops home, we must elect leaders to stop war", Aug. 11, and now speaking as an eighty-nine year old Retired U.S. Naval Reserve Officer veteran with eight years of active duty, five in WWII, over two of which were aboard the aircraft carrier, The USS Enterprise, including thirteen major offensive engagements starting with the Marshall & Gilbert Islands in the fall of 1943 and continuing through The First Battle of the Philippine Sea. The USS Enterprise is the most decorated ship in the US Navy including the Presidential Unit Citation Award; and I was later recalled for three more years during the Korean Conflict.
In an attempt to develop a better understanding of Mr. Taylor's position, I must ask him where he was during the latter part of former President Clinton's second term when the World Trade Center was bombed and which was soon followed by the devastating attack of 9/11. In my opinion, this was the beginning of WWIII which is now being called The Global Conflict against Terrorism; and it was when the Muslim radicals and extremenists, including al Qaeda, the Taliban, and numerous underground insurgents, many of whom no doubt were, and still are, being supported by Iran, announced their intent to clear the world of all democratic independent freedom loving people which they referred to as infidels.
Mr. Taylor certainly shouldn't need reminding of the many necessary wars which were fought within our borders by our forefathers before they were able to announce the adoption of our U.S. Declaration of Independence, plus others engagements later such as WWI & WWII in which we were first attacked in both, and were forced to fight in order to protect our lives and retain our independence; and it's now the same type of involvement in WWIII where we must fight for our continued survival, so as to enjoy our freedoms of independence.
Now, in relation to the present status of the continuing unstable conditions in Iraq, including the military, political and economic divisions, President Barack Obama recently made his asinine announcement that he would be withdrawing our combat forces from Iraq by the end of August 2010. Such action is definitely advantageous to the opposition who can then adjust their plans accordingly. Instead, his obligated announcement should have been one in which he carefully explained exactly what is, or isn't, happening in Iraq and why a withdrawl at this time could be a disaster. First, Iraq has no governing coalition, and secondly it appears that Mr. Maliki and Mr. Allawi will continue to experience extreme difficulty in establishing one which would meet the satisfaction of all of the various sects occupying this country, while at the same time maintaining the upper hand in controlling the continuing string of bombings, killings and other attacks by insurgents, particularly in the Baghdad areas. Such conditions could easily lead to another all out conflict or even develop into a civil war.
Because of these threatening conditions, in my opinion, it would be best if our troops remained in Iraq in order to prevent and/or terminate such clashes while providing our continuing support in the establishment of a stable democracy in this country. There is no other way. If we don't, it would be an absolute disgrace to the brave military and civilian personnel who paid the ultimate price in the defense of our country while assisting Iraq in establishing a democratic nation in the heart of an authoritarian Middle East.
Practically speaking, a standing military force in a country where we have assisted in establishing freedom is not a new practice, as the U.S. still has such forces stationed at many places in the world including Germany, Japan and South Korea.
It is indeed disappointing and disturbing to witness President Obama continuing to play political games with America's safety and security in order to salvage the almighty vote at the polls, and to lower our self-esteem by apologizing to the other world nations for our past aggressive actions when they were definitely in the interest of protecting our lives and our Declaration of Independence.
Mr. President, we would indeed welcome the words of truth from your lips; because. We as American citizens are entitled to know exactly what is transpiring within your mind and also in the egoistical selfish departments of the federal government.
Personally, I am asking you, Blaine Taylor, is such the composition of the peaceful gravy train for which you are purchasing a ticket, in order to ride along with our smooth talking, ineffective, narcissistic President who is filled with hollow promises. If so Blaine, it is my sincere hope that your train will be derailed.
Quinton D. Thompson
Towson, MD 21286