Dear Patriots:
William G Burmer
I have been doing a lot of pondering since my last email. I wanted to share something positive, to give you hope. I wrote this story. It was good therapy.
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There once was a man of small stature elected to be President of the Land of America. He was noted for his silver tongue, and he was shrewd or even sagacious, thinking he had more wisdom than all, even so, lacking any character he loved only himself.
And he testified unto the people that they had nothing to fear, that they should rely upon his regime to provide for all of their needs; in exchange all he asked of them was their unquestioning loyalty. The people must trust in him with a blind eye.
And it came to pass that he did teach these follies so persuasively that many did believe his words, and many began to support him and give him money.
And thus he began to be lifted up in the pride of his heart and he looked down his nose at those who would not support his views, even that he caused his followers in the IRS, FCC, and FBI to press sorely upon those who expressed their opposition to him.
Now the name of this man was Berry, and he was the first to use his office for evil purposes, falsely saying all should bow to his authority for he knows better than all what is right and good, for the majority should rule. This to spite real Law as originally planned constitutionally in the land.
Now it came to pass that Berry was challenged at the poles, and he lost a large host of his comrades, even so many that the more righteous conservative elements began again to regain power.
Never the less, this did not put an end to the spreading of Berry’s’ sophistry, his lies in the land; for there were many like him who loved the vain things of the world, and they went forth preaching false doctrines; and this they did for the sake of riches and honor. Never the less in order to fool the people, they only told half truths with the intent of deceiving the people more, for they only pretended to preach according to the beliefs of the people thus hiding their true intents.
Thus Berry and his followers did continue to persecute those who opposed his regime. Yea they did persecute them and afflict them with all manner of words, and this because of their belief that they ought to be free, and that liberty should prevail. Berry and his followers had stiff necks, their pride, arrogance and hatred of truth, and their love of power made them even more determined. They thus supported each other that there should be no persecution among themselves.
This was a cause of much affliction in the land and was a great trial to those that did stand fast in the love of God and Lawful principle; never the less through all their trials they were faithful and steadfast, and immoveable in keeping the commandments of God, and the People bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.
As time progressed Berry and his regime were overthrown, and when a new President was elected of the people there began to be hope once again. The new President allowed that the People should once again return to their labors, and once again the leadership in the government esteemed themselves no better than the people who elected them. And they did all labor, every man according to his strength and abilities.
And they did impart of their substance every man according to that which he had to the poor, and the needy, and the sick, and the afflicted; and they did not wear costly apparel, yet they were neat and comely, and there again to be peace upon the land of America. And thus they did establish the affairs of government and they began to have continual peace once again. and their boarders were made safe.
And now because of the steadiness of the people’s faith in God, and His Law, even the Constitution, they began to be exceedingly rich, having an abundance of all things whatsoever they stood in need—and an abundance of flocks and herds, and fatlings of every kind, and also abundance of grain, and of Gold, and of silver and of precious things.
And thus the people did prosper and become far wealthier than those who did not live in this great land. And it came to pass that by thus exercising the law righteously upon all the land, the people became more still, and did not commit any wickedness,Yea the people who followed after that wicked man Berry were put to rest, there was thus much peace among the people of America. And God blessed this great land and its people because they loved Him and they abided His Law.